From the best-seller author of Wall Street Mortgage Cancellation Secrets: What Smart Rich People Don’t Tell and Big Banks Will Steal To Not Let You Know, comes a fast solution to help stop imminent foreclosure in New York.
The foreclosure crisis was thought to be gone and over for 10 years until foreclosure-gate started visiting homes in NYC!
The U.S. housing market took a serious beating between 2007 and 2010. Nearly 7.8 million homes were foreclosed on from 2007 – 2016, it was a scary time in history and known as the Great Recession.
Learn why The state of New York has one of the highest mortgage delinquency and foreclosure rates in the United States, where the average foreclosure timeline is 1,103 days. As many as 1 in 21 homes are in foreclosure and another 1 in 10 are at risk of foreclosure status and what you can do to defend against this crisis.