Enhance Your Federal Government Agency’s Communications with Uply Media, Inc.

Empower Your Communication Strategy with Expert Digital Marketing and Public Relations Services

Why Choose Uply Media, Inc.?

Uply Media, Inc. specializes in providing top-tier digital marketing and public relations services tailored to meet the specific needs of federal government agencies. Our comprehensive solutions ensure your messages reach the right audience effectively and efficiently.

Understanding Micro-Purchases: Federal government agencies can procure goods and services directly up to the micro-purchase threshold of $10,000. In specific situations such as emergency responses or contingency operations, this threshold can be increased to $20,000 within the U.S. and $35,000 outside the U.S (Acquisition.gov) (USDA Food and Nutrition Service). These micro-purchases can be made using Government Purchase Cards (GPCs), simplifying the payment and procurement process (Acquisition.gov) (USDA Food and Nutrition Service).

High-Demand Services Offered by Uply Media, Inc.

Public Relations and Media Services for Federal Government Agencies

Press Release Distribution: From $3,000 – $5,000 per release
  • Description: Crafting and distributing press releases to communicate important updates, policy changes, and public notices.
  • Milestones:
    • Drafting and approval: Week 1
    • Distribution: Week 2
    • Media coverage tracking: Week 3
Crisis Communication Management
  • Description: Developing strategies to manage and mitigate crises, ensuring clear and consistent messaging.
Media Monitoring and Analysis
  • Description: Tracking media coverage and analyzing the impact of communication efforts.
Digital Marketing Services for Federal Government Agencies
Social Media Management: From $4,500 – $7,500 per month
  • Description: Creating and managing social media accounts, developing content strategies, and monitoring engagement.
  • Milestones:
    • Strategy development and account setup: Week 1-2
    • Content creation: Week 3-4
    • Ongoing management: Monthly
Digital Advertising Campaigns: From $4,000 – $6,000 per campaign
  • Description: Designing and implementing targeted digital ad campaigns on platforms like Google Ads, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
  • Milestones:
    • Campaign planning and setup: Week 1
    • Ad creation and launch: Week 2
    • Performance monitoring: Weekly
Content Creation and SEO

Producing high-quality content that enhances your agency’s online presence and improves search engine rankings.

  • From $5,000 – $10,000 per project
  • Content Strategy Development: Week 1-2
    • Develop a comprehensive content strategy aligned with the agency’s goals.
  • Keyword Research and SEO Plan: Week 2-3
    • Conduct keyword research and develop an SEO plan to target relevant terms.
  • Content Creation: Week 3-6
    • Produce high-quality, SEO-optimized content, including articles, blog posts, and other relevant materials.
  • Review and Approval: Week 6-7
    • Submit content for review and approval by the agency.
  • Publishing and SEO Implementation: Week 8
    • Publish the approved content and implement on-page SEO optimizations.
  • Performance Monitoring and Reporting: Ongoing
    • Monitor content performance and provide regular reports on SEO metrics and content effectiveness.
Summary of Benefits
  • Efficiency: Reduce the time and administrative burden associated with traditional procurement processes.
  • Flexibility: Quickly address specific communication needs with tailored solutions.
  • Cost-Effective: Utilize budget-friendly options that maximize your agency’s operational efficiency.
Benefits of Choosing Uply Media, Inc.
  • Efficiency: Reduce the time and administrative burden associated with traditional procurement processes.
  • Flexibility: Quickly address specific communication needs with tailored solutions.
  • Cost-Effective: Utilize budget-friendly options that maximize your agency’s operational efficiency.

Contact Us Today

Uply Media, Inc. is committed to providing your federal government agency with the highest quality communication solutions in the most efficient manner possible. We invite you to leverage our services to enhance your communications seamlessly and cost-effectively.

 Registered Federal Government Contractor Unique Entity ID: YPE4G8X18N67 and CAGE Code: 9WMV4

Contact Information:

  • Name: Kyle Ransom
  • Title: CEO, Uply Media, Inc.
  • Direct Contact: (404) 914-3143
  • Email: Kyle@UplyMedia.com
  • Company Contact: ‪(470) 231-7367‬
  • Company Email: info@UplyMedia.com

We look forward to the opportunity to serve your agency and contribute to its success.