Uply Media, Inc Launches Rare Beer Collectibles For Footbul.Crypto NFTs

(Atlanta, Georgia) — Drinking beer while watching a live soccer match for most fans is considered tradition. Uply Media, Inc a company developing innovative Blockchain Websites, today announced the launch of rare Beer Collectibles for FOOTBUL.CRYPTO NFTs V3 the world’s first DWeb Virtual League on Ethereum’s Blockchain extension. “Our team carefully selected the first set…


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(Atlanta, Georgia) — Drinking beer while watching a live soccer match for most fans is considered tradition. Uply Media, Inc a company developing innovative Blockchain Websites, today announced the launch of rare Beer Collectibles for FOOTBUL.CRYPTO NFTs V3 the world’s first DWeb Virtual League on Ethereum’s Blockchain extension.

“Our team carefully selected the first set of beer collectibles, more specifically because of the extreme relevance to Footbul as a sport plus lifestyle. These digital assets are extremely rare in our new developing virtual economy and for the ecosystem,” stated Kyle Ransom, CEO and Co-founder of Uply Media, Inc.

Source: Open PR


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